They will be in Victoria TOMORROW, Saturday Sept 3, 2016 - 1 PM At the BC Parliament Buildings
Vancouver ART GALLERY Monday Sept 5, 2016 1 PM the Art Gallery
The nations of the Dzawada'enuxw are uniting and traveling down the coast of Vancouver Island locking arms with other nations in their quest to remove salmon farms from their traditional waters, sometimes called the Broughton Archipelago.
They have said "no" for almost 30 years to the salmon farms using their territories. But somehow Canada, BC and the Norwegian/Japanese salmon farmers decided to ignore them and so today one third of the BC salmon farming industry has made themselves at home in Musgamagw Dzawada'enuxw territory.
This industry is disrupting the web of life throughout this coast, entrapping wild fish, disrupting migration patterns that fed hundreds of species, smothering the seafloor, altering the chemical composition of the water with industrial feedlot effluent, release of billions of lice, viruses and bacteria daily! The Musgamagw Dzawada'enuxw, a people with a 13,000 year relationship with this place, view this as yet another form of genocide.
This remote tribe from the Kingcome Valley has received support from nations in Campbell River, Comox, and Nanaimo.
They will be in Victoria TOMORROW, Saturday Sept 3, 2016 - 1 PM At the BC Parliament Buildings
Vancouver ART GALLERY Monday Sept 5, 2016 1 PM the Art Gallery
The Power of one is all we have, but we all have it. Please consider using that power and show up in support!